Automating processes means saving time and money, as well as maximizing production and profitability.
The potential of the cannabis trim: What to do with it?
Cannabis trim, often overlooked, have great potential and can be used to produce a wide variety of products.
Wet trimming vs dry trimming: Which is the best option?
Each approach has its set of advantages and disadvantages, depending largely on factors such as harvest planning and cannabis genetics.
MS Sorter 500 MED: Sort your cannabis flowers by size!
Master Products introduces the Master Sorter 500, a cannabis and hemp flower sorter designed to integrate seamlessly into the workflow of the automated post-harvest line or for individual use.
The outdoor crop harvest is approaching: What do we need?
A very sensitive moment in the whole process of outdoor cannabis cultivation is the time of harvest, since we have no control over environmental variables as in indoor cultivation.
Which cannabis trimmer is the most suitable for my crop?
To improve the efficiency of your business, the question is no longer whether or not to use a cannabis trimmer, but what features it should have for the specific needs of your business.
Manual trimming vs automated trimming: Which is better?
Growers have to take the most important decision of the entire cannabis growing cycle: choosing the ideal trimming process.